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When you or your team knocks on doors, DoorKnockerPal makes it simple to keep track of your potential clients!
We're continuously developing new features to make it easier for you to keep track of stuff!
Keep track of which doors you've visited! You don't have to write them all down on a piece of paper or in a CSV just to be able to find them afterwards!
We support all main platforms, so you may use DoorKnockerPal from anywhere! Our goal is to offer as many of the same features on all platforms as feasible!
Allow members of your team to record doors, make deals or connections, and join your team. Keep track of where everyone is door knocking so you can keep track of the doors they're visiting.
If you've ever used Twitter, you're aware that you can search for tweets using tags. Well, with DoorKnockerPal, you can tag each door for a given situation and then filter by tags later.
We integrated a task management directly into the system. Create a task, then if you can't finish it till tomorrow or the next day, simply snooze it for later.
You may easily draw an area and limit particular team members to it.
DoorKnockerPal backs up to the cloud, so if you lose your phone, your data is not lost!
Keep track of all your sales at the door and collect signatures.
DoorKnockerPal's heart and soul are its doors. When you click on the map, you are prompted to save that door.
Use the web app or iOS app. Click "Start Door Knocking," then click on each property you visit, enter information about the door you're logging, and check the progress of the doors. Is it possible that the owner did not answer the door? Set the status to "Not Home" to indicate that no one came to the door and that you may need to return. Always keep track of the status of the doors you've knocked on.
We’re here to help whenever you need it. Have a question, idea, or feature request? Simply start a discussion on the BigBearCommunity.